Alyssum Seeds
a.k.a. Sweet Alyssum
Lobularia maritima
How to plant Alyssum seedsClear Crystal Series
New tetraploid alyssum with extra large, fragrant flowers in shades of lavender, purple, and white on vigorous, heat and cold tolerant, 6-10 in. tall, 12-14 in. wide plants. True giants in the alyssum world, Clear Crystal series alyssums are the first tetraploid alyssums to include pigmented colors.
Wonderland Series
Vigorous and spreading, uniform, extremely tidy 4 in. tall plants carry fragrant flowers in bright, clear colors over a very long season. Plants begin to flower 10 weeks after sowing. Wonderland is America's favorite alyssum series.
Individual Alyssum Varieties
How to Plant and Grow Alyssum

Plant Alyssum Seeds: Sow seed in cell packs or flats, use a clean soilless mix. Press into soil but do not cover. Needs light to germinate. Kept at 55-70°F., germination is in 2-10 days. If using a humidity dome, remove as soon as seeds have germinated. Can direct sow into prepared seed beds. Thin in clumps, 6 in. apart.
Water Alyssum Seedlings: Set cell packs or flats in a tray of shallow water; allow to absorb from the bottom for up to 15 minutes, then discard any excess water.
Grow Alyssum: Full sun or part shade. Light shade in hottest climates. Plants tolerate heat and drought. Heavier flowering, nicer appearance with average water. Flowers attract butterflies and bees. Shear plants back after bloom to promote further flowering. Deer resistant.