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2025 Seed Catalog

Gazania Seeds

a.k.a. Treasure Flower

Gazania rigens syn. G. splendens

How to plant Gazania seeds

Reasons to grow gazanias:

  • Easy: you will usually leave them alone.
  • Showy: Flowers are large and boldly colored.
  • Versatile: Gazanias can be planted in containers, beds, rock gardens, or parking strips.
  • Reliable: You will appreciate the dependable nature of Gazanias most when massed planted in the landscape. You will create a tough, colorful and easy-to-grow ground cover for all to admire.

How to Plant and Grow Gazania

Bee introduces how to plant

Plant Gazania Seeds: Sow gazania seed in flats, press into soil and barely cover. Needs darkness to germinate. Cover flats with newspaper and keep out of direct sun. Remove newspaper cover and provide direct light as soon as the first seeds begin to sprout. Kept at 70°F., germination is in 14-21 days. Transplant seedlings 12 in. apart.

Grow Gazania: Full sun. Heat and drought tolerant, average water produces heaviest bloom. Plants are disease resistant, near insect-proof and rabbit and deer resistant. Remove old flowers to promote further bloom. If plants appear tired or spindly, cut back by half to increase vigor and bloom. Flowers attract butterflies, close at night. Where gazanias are perennial, for best appearance and optimal vigor shear plants back to 3 in. in late winter.

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