Lisianthus Seeds
a.k.a. Texas Bluebell, Prairie Gentian
Eustoma grandiflorum
How to plant Lisianthus seedsEcho Series
The first 100% double, large-flowered lisianthus series to produce excellent cut flowers. The 2-3 ft. plants produce 3 in. blooms held on strong, thick stems. Cut flowers are long lasting, and will look fresh in your vase for up to two weeks or longer. Echo series lisianthus are early blooming, spray-type plants. Flowers begin to bloom in late June or July, and continue until frost.
Without question, the Echo series offers some of the finest lisianthus for garden color and long-lasting cut flowers.
Sapphire Series
Sapphire series lisianthus are tidy, upright and spreading, heavy flowering 6-10 in. tall plants. Magnificent candelabras of 2½ in. flowers bloom in summer and fall. Sapphire lisianthus add sparkle to your borders, beds, or containers.
How to Plant and Grow Lisianthus

Plant Lisianthus Seeds: Sow lisianthus seed in cell packs or flats. Use a sterilized, soil-less mix. Press seeds into soil, do not cover. Kept at 70-80° F., germination is in 10-20 days. When 4-5 leaves have developed, transplant lisianthus seedlings into the garden, 6-8 in. apart. To encourage bushy growth, pinch back plants to the third node. Direct sowing of lisianthus seed is not recommended.
Grow Lisianthus: Full sun or part shade. Light shade in hottest climates. Lisianthus needs moderate water. Give regular moisture early in the season; avoid over-watering as plants become established. Does not like acid soil, does like regular feeding. Cut flowers are long-lasting.