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2025 Seed Catalog

Lobelia Seeds

a.k.a. Edging lobelia, Trailing lobelia

Lobelia erinus

How to plant Lobelia seeds

Lobelias produce delicate, showy blooms all summer long. They are a perfect choice for garden beds and containers. Trailing Lobelias look excellent in hanging baskets or borders.

Trailing Lobelia

Grow trailing Lobelias for spectacular hanging baskets and borders.

Regatta Series

The Regatta lobelia series is a superior, quick blooming trailing variety that continues to look good and flower heavily all summer. Regatta lobelias are superb performers in hanging baskets or borders.

Edging Lobelia

Grow Compact Lobelias in Garden Beds and Containers.

Riv­iera Series

Compact, early and heavy flowering, extremely showy, 4-6 in. tall plants. Riviera lobelias like full sun in mild summer areas and part shade where summers are hot.

How to Plant and Grow Lobelia

Bee introduces how to plant

Use a sterilized packaged soil mix, then sow lobelia seed as thinly as possible in cell packs or flats, press lightly into soil but do not cover. Kept at 70°F., germination is in about 20 days. Transplant seedlings in small clumps, 6 in. apart after all danger of frost.

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