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2025 Seed Catalog

Pentas BeeBright Mix
New for 2025


BeeBright Mix

Pentas Seeds

a.k.a. Egyptian Star Flower

Pentas lanceolata

BeeBright Mix pentas includes all five series colors: Lipstick, Pink, Red, Violet and White, providing brilliant care-free color to the hottest, sunniest parts of the garden where other summer annuals can struggle. BeeBrights are bloom powerhouses all season long, with 3-4 in. clusters of small, star-shaped flowers held just above low, humidity-tolerant, dense mounds that grow 10-15 in. tall and 15-22 in. wide. In our Santa Rosa, CA test garden, plants grew 15 in. tall, spreading significantly wider. Removing spent flower clusters will encourage quicker repeat bloom. Grow BeeBright Mix pentas in any garden container, or create a strong, colorful impact in garden beds and borders. BeeBright pentas are tender perennials, winter hardy to zones 9 and 10, but are usually grown as annuals.

15 pelleted seeds - $4.49
View all of our Pentas varieties.

Growing BeeBright Mix Pentas Seeds

Bee introduces how to plant

Sow pentas seed in cell packs or flats, press into soil and cover lightly. Keep consistently moist. Kept at 70-75°F., seeds germinate in 7-14 days.

Shipping Information

U.S. Shipping Rates

Free shipping on U.S. orders over $65.00.
Free priority shipping on U.S. orders over $175.00.

Standard U.S. shipping is $5.99.
Priority U.S. shipping is $9.99.

International Shipping Rates

Shipping to Canada is $13.99.
International shipping to all other countries is $15.99.

Satisfaction Guarantee

We guarantee all the seeds we sell for one full year from the date of purchase. If you are unsatisfied with any seeds purchased from Swallowtail Garden Seeds, we will issue a refund. For customers in the U.S., we can send one-time replacements or issue a refund.