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2025 Seed Catalog

California Poppy Seeds

Eschscholzia californica

How to plant California Poppy seeds

California Poppies

California poppies carry attractive finely divided blue-green foliage and satiny 2-3 in. flowers. Summer watering is not required, but if given the bloom season will be extended. The easy to grow, deer-resistant plants reach 10 to 18 in. tall. Seed can be sown in spring everywhere, and in zones 6-10 plants can also be started in the fall.

How to Plant and Grow California Poppy

Bee introduces how to plant

Direct sow California poppy seeds into prepared seed beds that have been cleared of weeds and have had the top 1 in. of soil loosened. Rake seed in. Press into soil by walking over the area. Keep moist until germination. Can start California poppy seeds indoors in 2 in. pots; transplant early and gently and do not allow seedlings to become root bound.

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