Portulaca Seeds
a.k.a. Moss Rose, Purslane
Portulaca grandiflora, P. oleracea
How to plant Portulaca seedsHow to Plant and Grow Portulaca

Plant Portulaca Seeds: Sow portulaca seed in cell packs or individual pots, 6-8 weeks prior to transplant. Press seed into soil, do not cover. Needs light to germinate. Kept at 75-80°F., germination is in 7-14 days. Transplant portulaca seedlings into your garden 5-8 in. apart, after all danger of frost.
Grow Portulaca: Full Sun. Plants tolerate heat and drought, look best with occasional water. Low maintenance, no deadheading required. Any soil with good drainage, will thrive in sandy or gravelly soils. Cut back in summer to keep plants neat, and to extend bloom into fall.