Viscaria Seeds
a.k.a. Rose Angel, Rose of Heaven
Viscaria oculata
How to plant Viscaria seedsFast growing summer annual with lance-shaped, gray-green leaves and showy, 5-petaled flowers. Plants produce flowers over a long season and they are excellent for cutting. In most areas seed is sown in spring; in mild winter areas sow seeds in fall for winter-spring bloom. Grows to 2 ft. tall.
How to Plant and Grow Viscaria

Plant Viscaria Seeds: Direct sow viscaria seeds into prepared seed beds that have been cleared of weeds and have had the top 1 in. of soil loosened. Rake seed in lightly. Press into soil by walking over area. Keep moist. Can be started indoors in 2 in. pots.
Grow Viscaria: Prefers full sun in areas with mild summers and part shade in areas with hot summers. Average to rich, well-drained soil, regular water. A hardy annual which can be started in early spring everywhere and in the fall or spring in mild winter climates. Flowers are excellent for cutting. We consider Viscaria to be one of the most beautiful of all annual flowers.