Poppies for Early Season Color
Poppies are easy to grow and can add an amazing variety of early season color to your garden. Poppies can grow in most areas and are particularly well-suited for cooler northern climates. California Poppies can thrive in heat better than most types of poppies. We sell more than 30 varieties, including five types of annual poppies and three types of perennial poppies.

Poppy flowers come in a wide range of colors including red, white, blue, pink, pewter, lilac, purple, black, lilac, gold, orange, salmon, cherry and many bicolors. Flower styles range from single to fully double, smooth edged to finely frilled. Plant height ranges from about 8 inches for the Alpine Poppies to a towering four feet tall from Beauty of Livermere Oriental Poppy.
Poppies are easy to grow from seed. Most varieties are well-suited for sowing directly into your garden. To prepare your garden for sowing poppy seeds, remove all weeds and loosen the top inch of soil. Scatter poppy seeds on top of loosened soil, rake into soil, then press seeds into soil by gently walking on top of them. Do not cover the seeds with any extra soil. Light is needed for germination. Soil should be kept moist while seeds are germinating. I recommend sowing poppy seeds in early spring or once the ground is workable and after all danger of a heavy frost has past. Lights frosts are fine. This method can work well for most poppies. Meconopsis Poppies are recommended for climates that receive at least some winter frost and should be started in 2-inch pots or cell packs for best results.
Annual Poppies:

Perennial Poppies: