Balloon Flower Seeds
Platycodon grandiflorus
How to plant Balloon Flower seedsBalloon Flowers are easy to grow, long-lived perennials. Long-lasting star-shaped flowers emerge from balloon-like buds in summer. Balloon flower plants will occasionally repeat bloom in the fall when old flowers are removed.
Astra Series
Large, interesting balloon-like buds burst open into long-lasting, 3 in. wide star-shaped flowers. The dwarf growing, 8-12 in. tall plants are exceptionally bushy and branching, blooming heavily in summer.
Astra series balloon flowers thrive in part sun or light shade. Plants are quite long-lived in most areas of the U.S., and bloom the first year. Astra balloon flowers are perfect for edging borders, or use in patio containers and window boxes. Winter hardy to zone 4.
Hakone Double Series
Hakone Double balloon flowers bear double, 2-3 in. wide flowers atop 15-24 in. tall stems. Plants bloom from June to August. Hakone Double balloon flowers usually do not require support. If you feel plants would be better served with a shoulder to lean on, a 14-18 in. tall tomato-type cage will do the trick nicely. Winter hardy to zone 3.
Fuji Series
This 2-3 ft. tall perennial is wonderful planted in part shade or light shade. Plants will produce balloon-like buds which open into 2 in. flowers from June to August. The Fuji series of balloon flowers usually will not need support. Winter hardy to zone 3.
The taller balloon flowers in the Fuji series and the Hakone series grow nicely with Milkmaid butterfly weed, Sterntaler coreopsis, Giant Yellow Herold foxglove, Mystica penstemon, and Blue Cap sea holly.
How to Plant and Grow Balloon Flower

Plant Balloon Flower Seeds: Sow seeds in 2 in. pots or cell packs, press into soil but do not cover. Seed needs light to germinate. Kept at 65-70°F., germination is in 21-30 days. Seedlings are fragile, must be handled with care. Transplant seedlings into the garden 1-1.5 ft. apart.
Grow Balloon Flower: Plants prefer part sun to light shade and regular water. Perform well in containers. Taller balloon flower varieties provide excellent cut flowers. To preserve vase-life of blooms, sear stem end with match immediately after cutting. Provide support for tall Fuji and Hakone series balloon flowers; plant in large groups, plants provide support for each other. Or use tomato-type cages to keep plants upright.
Balloon flower plants do not like to be disturbed, rarely need to be divided. Favorite plants can be propagated from cuttings. May self sow. Balloon flower plants appear late in the spring, mark location to avoid disturbing. When old flowers are removed, balloon flowers will occasionally bloom again in early fall. Easy-to-grow, low maintenance plants are deer resistant.