Butterfly Weed Seeds
a.k.a. Swamp Milkweed, Pleurisy Root
Asclepias incarnata, A. tuberosa
How to plant Butterfly Weed seedsHow to Plant and Grow Butterfly Weed

Plant Butterfly Weed Seeds: Full sun. Asclepias incarnata (Milkmaid and Soulmate) thrive in moist, even wet soils, will adapt to average garden water. Asclepias tuberosa (Orange and Gay Butterflies) tolerate heat and drought, need only occasional water once established, will happily accept average moisture with good drainage.
Grow Butterfly Weed: All of our perennial butterfly weeds attract bees and hummingbirds, are important nectar sources for a wide range of butterflies, most notably the Monarch. To promote Monarch butterfly caterpillars, Asclepias incarnata is the host most preferred. Plants are deer and rabbit resistant. Learn more about monarch butterflies and butterfly weed.