Evening Primrose Seeds
Oenothera macrocarpa syn. O. missouriensis
Certainly one of the most beautiful of evening primroses. Clear-yellow, paper-thin blossoms up to 5 in. across appear June to September. Sprawling plants grow to 12 in. tall. Leaves are soft and velvety. Winter hardy to zone 4. Grow Missouri evening primrose with gaillardia, Blue Queen salvia, Fuji Blue balloon flower, Blue Select fescue, and Telham Beauty campanula.
Growing Missouri Evening Primrose Seeds
Sow evening primrose seed in cell packs or flats, press into soil, barely cover. Kept at 70-75° F., germination is in 14-28 days. Can direct sow in groups of 4 seeds spaced 12-18 in. apart. Thin to the strongest seedling.
Shipping Information
U.S. Shipping Rates
Free shipping on U.S. orders over $65.00.
Free priority shipping on U.S. orders over $175.00.
Standard U.S. shipping is $5.99.
Priority U.S. shipping is $9.99.
International Shipping Rates
Shipping to Canada is $13.99.
International shipping to all other countries is $15.99.
Satisfaction Guarantee
We guarantee all the seeds we sell for one full year from the date of purchase. If you are unsatisfied with any seeds purchased from Swallowtail Garden Seeds, we will issue a refund. For customers in the U.S., we can send one-time replacements or issue a refund.