Foxglove Seeds
a.k.a. Lady's Glove
Digitalis purpurea, D. ferruginea, D. grandiflora, D. x fulva syn. D. mertonensis, D. parviflora
How to plant Foxglove seedsFoxgloves are easy to grow, vertical accents for part sun, or dappled shade. Bloom begins in late spring, or early summer. Flowers attract hummingbirds galore with magnificent spires of tubular flowers. Once main flower spike is cut, side shoots develop and bloom until September.
Dalmatian Hybrid
Digitalis purpurea
Dalmatian Hybrids are the fastest foxgloves from seed to flowers! These compact and well-branched, 2-3 ft. tall plants bloom in under 4 months from seed! Dalmatian foxgloves produce reliable first year flowers. Blooms completely encircle their stems with evenly spaced, relatively upward facing bells. Remove old flower spikes the first season and plants will bloom heavily again the following year. Dalmatian Hybrids foxgloves are superb container plants and will perform beautifully even in small pots. In the garden use in mixed borders, or mass plants along paths or fences. Winter hardy to zone 5. Seed is pelleted for easy and efficient sowing.
Camelot Hybrid
Digitalis purpurea
Camelot were the first F1 hybrid foxgloves available to the home gardener. Plants produce magnificent spikes of huge speckled flowers in rose, cream, lavender, or white, the very first year. Vigorous, well-branched plants grow to 42-48 in. tall and 24-30 in. wide. Winter hardy to zone 4. Seed is pelleted for easy and efficient sowing.
More Outstanding Foxgloves
How to Plant and Grow Foxglove

Plant Foxglove Seeds: Sow foxglove seed in cell packs or flats, press into soil, do not cover. Light aids germination. Kept at 65-75° F., germination is in 14-21 days. Transplant seedlings into the garden 18-24 in. apart. Can direct sow foxglove seed into prepared seed beds after danger of frost.
Grow Foxglove: Part sun to light shade, rich, moist soil. Tubular flowers attract bees and hummingbirds, are excellent for cutting. Plants are toxic; show excellent deer and rabbit resistance. Easy to grow, will frequently self sow.