Gaura Seeds
Gaura lindheimeri syn. Oenothera lindheimeri
How to plant Gaura seedsCool Breeze, Sparkle White and The Bride will demonstrate gauras to be tough, easy to grow perennials with flower power from late spring through mid-fall. Gaura plants are pest and disease free.
How to Plant and Grow Gaura

Plant Gaura Seeds: Sow Gaura seed in cell packs or flats, press into soil, do not cover. Kept at 70° F., germination is in 21 to 35 days. Direct sow in groups of 3-4 seeds spaced 24 in. apart. Thin to the strongest plant.
Grow Gaura: Full sun. Gaura loves hot weather and tolerates drought. Plants look better with some summer water. Flowers age to light rose, fall-off cleanly. Gauras are long-lived, do not need division. Flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Gaura plants are rabbit and deer resistant.