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2025 Seed Catalog

Hollyhock Chater's Chestnut Brown


Chater's Ches­tnut Brown

Hollyhock Seeds

Large 4-6 inch wide altogether unique, fully double red-brown flowers.

Chater's Chestnut Brown hollyhock begins to bloom in early to mid summer, producing impressive 5-7 ft. tall flower spikes. Cut stalks back hard after bloom, plants will flower again in late summer and fall.

Provide rich soil and regular water for best performance. Chater's Chestnut Brown hollyhock is a biennial or short-lived perennial which is winter hardy to zone 3.

Grow Chater's Chestnut-Brown hollyhock with Amber Wheels gaillardia, and Joe-pye weed.

20 seeds - $3.75
View all of our Hollyhock varieties.

Growing Chater's Ches­tnut Brown Hollyhock Seeds

Bee introduces how to plant

Plant Hollyhock Seeds: Sow seeds in 2 in. pots or cell packs, press into soil and lightly cover. Kept at 70-75° F., germination is in 14-28 days. Can direct sow into prepared seed beds in groups of 3-4 seeds, spaced 2-3 ft. apart. Thin to strongest plant.

Grow Hollyhock: Full sun, part sun in hottest climates. Hollyhock plants perform best in fertile soil with regular moisture. Irrigate from below and provide good air circulation. True perennial hollyhocks noted in description. Most are biennials, or short-lived perennials. Many hollyhocks flower the first season when started early. After flowering cut back plants hard, to within a few in. of the ground. Continue to water and fertilize. Plants repeat bloom in late summer and fall. Single flower hollyhocks attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Hollyhock plants will often self sow.

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Standard U.S. shipping is $5.99.
Priority U.S. shipping is $9.99.

International Shipping Rates

Shipping to Canada is $13.99.
International shipping to all other countries is $15.99.

Satisfaction Guarantee

We guarantee all the seeds we sell for one full year from the date of purchase. If you are unsatisfied with any seeds purchased from Swallowtail Garden Seeds, we will issue a refund. For customers in the U.S., we can send one-time replacements or issue a refund.