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2025 Seed Catalog

Ice Plant Seeds

Delosperma cooperi, D. floribunda, D. spp.

How to plant Ice Plant seeds

How to Plant and Grow Ice Plant

Bee introduces how to plant

Plant Ice Plant Seeds: Sow seed in cell packs or flats, using a sterile packaged seed starting mix. Press into soil, do not cover. Kept at 70° F., germination is in 21-28 days. Transplant Stardust Hardy Ice Plant 9 in. apart, Table Mountain Hardy Ice Plant 12-18 in. apart.

Grow Ice Plant: Full Sun, afternoon shade in hottest climates. Hardy ice plant tolerates poor soil, needs good drainage. Drought tolerant once established, accepts moderate water. Fast growing. Table Mountain is salt tolerant, thrives in seaside landscapes and provides excellent erosion control for dry slopes. Stardust hardy ice plant is a smaller-scale plant ideal for filling in hot, dry areas of the garden. Hardy ice plants are heat tolerant, fire resistant, and deer resistant. Flowers attract butterflies.