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2025 Seed Catalog

Jacob's Ladder Seeds

a.k.a. Greek Valerian

Polemonium caeruleum

How to plant Jacob's Ladder seeds

Jacob's Ladder plants are heavy blooming, produce pendulous clusters of blue or white, 1 in. cup-shaped flowers on 1.5-2 ft. stems in late spring and early summer. Flowers attract butterflies and are excellent for cutting.

Jacob's Ladder's lush, fern-like leaves are divided much like the rungs of a ladder. Plants introduce a tropical appearance to shaded gardens.

How to Plant and Grow Jacob's Ladder

Bee introduces how to plant

Plant Jacob's Ladder Seeds: Sow Jacob's Ladder seed in cell packs or flats, press into soil and lightly cover. Kept at 70°F., germination averages 25 days. Can direct sow Jacob's Ladder into prepared seed beds, in groups of 3-4 seeds spaced 12-18 in. apart. Thin to the strongest plant.

Grow Jacob's Ladder: Plants prefer afternoon or filtered shade, will tolerate deep shade. Best performance in rich, moist soil in moderate summer climates. Not adapted to the high heat and humidity of the deep South. Grow Jacob's Ladder in cottage gardens with Balloon Flowers, Columbines and foxgloves or in shaded borders with ferns, Astilbes and Hostas. Cut Jacob's Ladder back hard after flowering, this keeps plants neat, and encourages repeat bloom. Flowers attract butterflies. Jacob's Ladder plants are rabbit and deer resistant.

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