Rock Cress Seeds
a.k.a. Large Flowered Aubrieta
Aubrieta x cultorum
How to plant Rock Cress seedsCascade Series Rock Cress
How to Plant and Grow Rock Cress

Plant Rock Cress Seeds: Sow rock cress seed in cell packs or flats, use a sterilized mix, press into soil, do not cover. Needs light to germinate. Kept at 70°F., germination is in 14-21 days. When large enough to handle, transplant seedlings into 3 in. pots. Once rooted, place into the garden 12 in. apart.
Grow Rock Cress: Prefers part shade in hot climates, full sun where summers are relatively cool. Plants prefer lean soil, need well-drained soil. Cut back halfway after bloom. Flowers attract bees.