Sedum Seeds
a.k.a. Stonecrop
Sedum spurium, S. telephium, S. fosterianum, S. ussuriense
How to plant Sedum seedsHow to Plant and Grow Sedum

Plant Sedum Seeds: Sow sedum seeds in cell packs or flats, press into soil but do not cover. Needs light to germinate. Kept at 75-80° F., germination is in 10-30 days. Transplant sedum seedlings into the garden 10-14 in. apart, after all danger of frost.
Grow Sedum: Full or part sun. Plants tolerate heat and are drought tolerant once established. Will accept moderate water in well-drained soils, with average to low fertility. Sedum requires little or no maintenance and plants are deer and rabbit resistant. Flowers are much loved by butterflies.