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2025 Seed Catalog

Corn Seeds

Zea mays

How to plant Corn seeds


Most will heartily agree that popcorn is one of the most fun snacks you can eat. Maybe it brings back memories of your favorite movies. Who hasn't thrown a crunchy, fluffy kernel into the air to try to catch it in your mouth? Growing popcorn in your own garden is easy, and a great way to pique a child's interest in gardening.

Sweet Corn

Sweet corn is an iconic summer treat, with the highest sugar content of any type of corn. Each crunchy kernel explodes with a juicy, buttery, melt-in-your mouth inner texture.

Flavor is the absolute sweetest when devoured immediately after harvesting. Really, I mean get the water boiling before you go out to the garden! Try grilling ears of corn on the barbeque, still in their husks, after soaking for an hour in cold water.

How to plant and grow Corn

Bee introduces how to plant

Direct sow 5-6 seeds per foot, about 1-2 in. deep in rows (a minimum of 4 rows will ensure pollination) 3 ft. apart. Thin to 12 in. apart. Kept at 70-90°F., germination is in 7-14 days. If birds are a problem, sow in cell packs and transplant into the garden 1 ft. apart. Planting is done from spring through early summer, beginning after all danger of frost, and when the ground has warmed.

Additional notes for planting sweet corn: Make 3 or 4 additional plantings at two week intervals to extend the season. Do not plant near popcorn. When the kernels ooze a milky juice when pierced, they are ready to harvest.

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