Onion Seeds
Allium cepa, A. fistulosum
How to plant Onion seedsHow to Plant and Grow Onion

Plant Onion Seeds: Direct sow ½ in. deep, 2-4 seeds per inch, in rows 12-24 in. apart. Kept at 55-75°F., germination is in 7 to 15 days. Sweet Onions: Thin to 2 to 4 in. between plants. Bunching Onions: Thinning is not necessary unless you want an extra large diameter.
Harvest Sweet Onion: When stalks begin to fall over, pull onions out of the ground and sun dry for several days, then store in a cool, dry, dark location.
Harvest Bunching Onion: Bunching onions store very well in the ground, and can be harvested as needed over a long period.