Lettuce Seeds
Lactuca sativa (Open pollinated)
How to plant Lettuce seeds
Summer Crisp / Batavian
In our opinion, Summer Crisp (aka Batavian) lettuces are the absolute finest group of lettuces to grow. They can be produced under cool conditions (like other lettuces), yet still will be standing, long after other heat resistant lettuces have bolted. Summer crisp looks like loose-leaf lettuce when young. Dense, heavy heads develop at maturity.
Romaine / Cos
Long-acclaimed as the "Caesar Salad lettuce," Romaine produces dense pointed heads of sturdy, upright leaves with exceptionally crunchy midribs. Like most lettuces, Romaine prefers relatively cool weather. Sow every two weeks through early summer, starting as soon as the ground can be worked in the spring. For fall planting, start seeds mid-summer in cool climates - or towards the end of summer in areas with considerable heat.
Loose-leaf lettuce is the best lettuce type for harvesting leaf by leaf, rapidly re-growing new, mild, crunchy leaves. Because loose-leafs do not form heads, you can plant as close as 4 in. apart; perfect for gardens with limited space or for container vegetable gardening. Plant every two weeks, starting in early spring, for late spring/early summer harvest, and then sow more seeds in mid to late summer for a fall harvest.
Also known as Boston or Bibb, Butterhead lettuce has a very delicate texture resulting in exquisite salads, and bestows a certain silky elegance to sandwiches.
Oak Leaf
Oak leaf lettuce has tender and mild-tasting, deeply-lobed leaves that can be picked individually or allowed to form dense, ruffly heads. Lettuce is a cool weather crop, best planted in the spring as early the ground can be worked.
Simply Salad
Easy to sow, grow, and harvest, Simply Salad lettuce mixes include multiple varieties of lettuces conveniently combined in each multi-seed pellet. Plant in pots or in garden beds, and in about one month, you can start enjoying a steady supply of colorful, tender and tasty mixed salad greens.
How to Plant and Grow Lettuce

Sow seed in cell packs or flats, press into soil and cover lightly. Kept at 65°F., germination averages 7-14 days. Can direct sow into prepared seed beds 1 in. apart in rows 12-18 in. apart. Thin seedlings to 12 in. apart. For harvesting lettuce at baby leaf stage, thin seedlings to 4 in. apart.