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2025 Seed Catalog

Morning glory Heavenly Blue
Best Seller


Heaven­ly Blue

Morning Glory Seeds

The most loved of all morning glories, Heavenly Blue features sky-blue flowers with white throats. Blooms are produced with great freedom on fast-growing, 12 ft. tall vines. Heavenly Blue was an instant success when introduced in 1931, and remains the most popular morning glory to this day.

Morning Glory seeds cannot ship to AZ, MI, or PR.
50 seeds - $4.25
Sold Out
View all of our Morning Glory varieties.

Growing Heaven­ly Blue Morning Glory Seeds

Bee introduces how to plant

Sow Morning Glory: Nick the pointed end of the morning glory seed with a nail clipper or knife. After nicking, seeds can optionally be soaked in water up to 12 hours. Then, sow in 2 in. pots or cell packs, cover with ¼ in. of soil. Kept at 70°F., seeds germinate in 7-21 days. Morning glory seed can be direct sown after all danger of frost, 6-8 seeds per foot. Thin seedlings to 12 in. apart.

Grow Morning Glory: Grow in full sun. Morning glory vines need good drainage, tolerate drought and poor soil. Blooming is heavier and growth is faster with regular water. Avoid overwatering and nitrogen-rich soils which produce more leaves and few flowers. Rarely bothered by pests or disease. Flowers from midsummer until frost. Hummingbirds love trumpet-shaped morning glory flowers.

Shipping Information

U.S. Shipping Rates

Free shipping on U.S. orders over $65.00.
Free priority shipping on U.S. orders over $175.00.

Standard U.S. shipping is $5.99.
Priority U.S. shipping is $9.99.

International Shipping Rates

Shipping to Canada is $13.99.
International shipping to all other countries is $15.99.

Satisfaction Guarantee

We guarantee all the seeds we sell for one full year from the date of purchase. If you are unsatisfied with any seeds purchased from Swallowtail Garden Seeds, we will issue a refund. For customers in the U.S., we can send one-time replacements or issue a refund.