Begonia Seeds
a.k.a. Tuberous, Wax, & Hybrid Begonias
Begonia tuberhybrida, B. hybrida, B. interspecific, B. semperflorens, B. benariensis, B. boliviensis
How to plant Begonia seedsTuberous Begonias
AmeriHybrid Series
Begonia tuberhybrida
Amerihybrid begonias are an excellent asset to shady and partially shaded gardens. Enormous, ruffled double blossoms reach up to 8 inches in diameter, blooming from late spring to fall. Sturdy, upright plants branch freely, growing 14-20 in. tall and 10-12 in. wide, with lush, emerald green leaves.
Sun Dancer Series
Begonia tuberhybrida
Sun Dancer begonias cover themselves with large, 2-5 in. double blooms from spring to fall. Dense, 10-12 in. tall plants have deep green leaves and branching stems that cascade up to 16 in. long; a perfect choice for quickly filling hanging baskets and window boxes with abundant color.
Illumination Series
Begonia tuberhybrida
Illumination tuberous begonias cascade; they are best begonia series to grow in hanging baskets and are the showiest tuberous begonias we have seen! Flowers are large, semi-double and fully double. Plants are heat tolerant, and easy to grow in filtered shade, with moist soil.
On Top Series
Begonia tuberhybrida
On Top begonias are known for an exceptionally long and heavy bloom period. Well-branched, mounded 10-12 in., heat tolerant plants hold a multitude of 2-5 in., double and semi-double flowers well above their foliage from spring to fall. On Top begonias thrive in partial shade in hanging baskets, patio containers, and garden beds.
Wax Begonias

Viking Pink on Chocolate
Wax Begonia Seeds
Big clusters of two-tone pink flowers stand out against dark chocolate foliage.

Viking Explorer Rose on Green
Wax Begonia Seeds
AAS Gold Medal Winner. A new spreading begonia with serious flower power.

Viking XL Red on Chocolate
Wax Begonia Seeds
AAS Winner. High impact plants.

Bada Bing Mix
Wax Begonia Seeds
Green leaves, early to flower, compact form, so easy to grow.

Bada Boom Mix
Wax Begonia Seeds
Bronze leaves, pleasing color palette. Spectacular in masses.
Additional Hybrid Begonias
Megawatt Series
Begonia interspecific
Megawatt Series begonias bring on a big, season-long surge of self-cleaning pink, red and white, extra-large, flower clusters. Hefty, 20-28 in. tall and 16-24 in. wide hybrid plants tolerate heat, humidity and drought. A strong, dense framework of leafy stems keeps flowers highly visible by holding them well above the glossy green foliage. Megawatt Series begonias provide easy, illuminating color to garden beds and large containers in sun, shade, and part shade from spring until frost.
Dragon Wing Series
Begonia interspecific
From the deep south to the far north, durable and versatile Dragon Wing begonias provide an enduring display for shady and partially shady gardens. Graceful, arching stems have glossy, wing-shaped leaves and showy hanging flower clusters from spring through fall. Dragon Wing begonias tolerate heat, humidity, and light frost. Plants grow 12-15 in. tall and 15-18 in. wide, are beautiful in garden beds, large hanging baskets and containers, and can be overwintered as easy-care houseplants.
How to Plant and Grow Begonia

Sow begonia seeds in cell packs or flats, press into soil but do not cover. Light aids germination. Kept at 80°F., germination is in 14-60 days. Bottom-heat will improve results and is recommended. Transplant into the garden 10 to 17 in. apart.