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2025 Seed Catalog

Pansy Seeds

Viola x wittrockiana

How to plant Pansy seeds

Pansies can't be beat for bringing cool season color to flower beds and pots. Start indoors in winter for planting out in earliest spring. In zones 6 and above pansy seeds can be started in summer, planted out in fall.

Individual Pansies

Colossus Series

Extremely large, upward-facing 4-5 in. flowers on exceptionally compact, stretch-resistant 5 in. tall plants.

Frizzle Sizzle Series

Snazzy 3 in. ruffled blooms on compact, 6-9 in. tall plants. Flowers show strongest ruffling in cool weather. Frizzle Sizzle pansies bloom early and are outstanding in containers or beds.

How to Plant and Grow Pansy

Bee introduces how to plant

Sow pansy seed in cell packs or flats, press into soil and barely cover. Needs darkness to germinate. Cover flat with newspaper and keep out of direct sun. Remove newspaper cover and provide direct light as soon as the first seeds begin to sprout. Kept at 65-70°F., germination is in 14-21 days. Transplant into the garden 9-12 in. apart.

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